Application of theory and research to a case study
Write a 2,000-word report on a given case study concerning the mid-late adulthood stage of development. You will need to score and interpret a series of brief assessments, identify factors that contribute to the issues, ascertain a possible diagnosis and provide recommendations for intervention(s), linking them to relevant theories/models.
For this assessment, you will be provided with a written case study relating to an adult psychological disorder (cognitive-behavioural). Using the DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria to identify a possible diagnosis, you will need to analyse the factors that may have contributed to or are maintaining the problem (refer back to the 4Ps —predisposing, precipitating, perpetuating and protective factors). Suggest an evidence-based treatment plan suitable for the client’s presenting problem and consider whether your assessment, diagnosis, formulation and treatment plan are culturally appropriate. Include the steps you will take to promote cultural awareness, responsiveness and safety.
Case study:
Access the case materials below which contains the following information:
Background information
Assessment information
Completed DASS-21 questionnaire
SMMSE questions, SMMSE responses and scoring guidelines
Structure :
The report should be written in academic language and in the third person. You should include the following headings:
Background and presenting issue: Briefly outline the case, including demographics and the main presenting issues. You should orient the reader with a succinct summary of who the client is and what they are seeking treatment for.
Assessment scoring and interpretation: Score and interpret the scores from standardised psychometric assessments . You will be provided with the client’s responses to formal questionnaires, the associated scoring keys and interpretative information. Comment on your interpretation of these scores in the context of your client’s presenting problem.
Diagnosis: Use examples from the client’s presentation to compare these to the criteria for a relevant DSM-5-TR disorder. Discuss and provide a concluding statement about whether the client’s symptoms meet all diagnostic criteria. Briefly identify possible alternative diagnoses, providing reasons for inclusion or exclusion.
Formulation/analysis: Identify the predisposing vulnerabilities and precipitating (triggers), perpetuating (maintaining) and protective factors. Explain how/why these factors may underlie your client’s symptoms. Apply one or more evidence-based theories/models to account for the onset and maintenance of the disorder’s symptoms.
Recommendations: Create a plan for a future course of action based on your assessment, diagnosis and formulation. Provide an overview of an appropriate evidence-based approach and justify why this would be a suitable intervention to use with the client. Include any particular strategies that would need to be considered for the treatment to be culturally appropriate for this client. Consider and outline any potential limitations of the treatment approach.
You should include in-text citations and a reference list in APA 7th format. It is expected that at least seven high-quality and relevant scholarly resources will be included to sufficiently support your analysis of the case and the assessment and treatment recommendations.
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