NRSG 266understanding of healthy ageing.
ASSIGNMENT 2: Written Assignment
This assessment is an opportunity for students to demonstrate a breadth of understanding relating to care of older people in Australia. In addition, students will apply knowledge and develop nursing interventions to the case scenario. Students will analyse literature on the topic of healthy ageing, and critically analyse the role of the registered nurse in working with older people.
Additional information is available in the NRSG266 LEO site, within the Assessment tile.
The purpose of this written task is to engage students with the application of theory into practice and how this needs to be flexible to meet the needs of the person requiring health care assistance. It will enable the student to articulate understanding of healthy ageing. The provided case scenario and short answer questions will ensure a sound knowledge base to address content questions and a synthesis of knowledge to demonstrate its application in practice. Refer to LEO Assessment tile for case-based assignment questions and further instruction.
LO1, LO3, LO5
The assessment must be in word document format and is to be submitted to the relevant Turnitin assessment drop box located on NRSG266 LEO Assessment Tile.
Grades and feedback will be made available through LEO in accordance with ACU policy.
This assessment task will be graded against a standardised criterion referenced rubric. Please follow the criteria closely during the planning and development of your assessment task (Appendix 2).