NRSG 266understanding of healthy ageing.

ASSIGNMENT 2: Written Assignment

This assessment is an opportunity for students to demonstrate a breadth of understanding relating to care of older people in Australia. In addition, students will apply knowledge and develop nursing interventions to the case scenario. Students will analyse literature on the topic of healthy ageing, and critically analyse the role of the registered nurse in working with older people.

Additional information is available in the NRSG266 LEO site, within the Assessment tile.


The purpose of this written task is to engage students with the application of theory into practice and how this needs to be flexible to meet the needs of the person requiring health care assistance. It will enable the student to articulate understanding of healthy ageing. The provided case scenario and short answer questions will ensure a sound knowledge base to address content questions and a synthesis of knowledge to demonstrate its application in practice. Refer to LEO Assessment tile for case-based assignment questions and further instruction.

LO1, LO3, LO5

The assessment must be in word document format and is to be submitted to the relevant Turnitin assessment drop box located on NRSG266 LEO Assessment Tile.

Grades and feedback will be made available through LEO in accordance with ACU policy.

This assessment task will be graded against a standardised criterion referenced rubric. Please follow the criteria closely during the planning and development of your assessment task (Appendix 2).

NRSG 266understanding of healthy ageing.

understanding of healthy ageing.

NRSG 371

PLEASE WRITE AS PER FORMAT, APA 7TH referencing style, minimum 18 references. I already choose kimberley community of Australia i already choose topic reducing alcohol and drugs abuse.

NRSG 371

PLEASE WRITE AS PER FORMAT, APA 7TH referencing style, minimum 18 references. I already choose kimberley community of Australia i already choose topic reducing alcohol and drugs abuse.

Telehealth Essay

This assignment consists of two parts: the essay and audio. All you need to do is the essay part, which is 1400+- words. Only Q4 needs to be related to the patient which is detailed in the instruction pdf. There is also a rubric to follow.

risk assessment

ASSIGNMENT TITLE: Assignment 1 Risk Assessment Report (Individual Assessment)
LENGTH: 2500 words (including reference and everything, +/-10% allowance)
SIMILARITY: <=20% Overview of Assignment: You will conduct a critical review of advanced concepts and practices in risk assessment and carry out a risk assessment task based on ONE engineering project chosen from any of the following:(i have chosen melbourne airport rail). Specific tasks to be covered in your report (cite references for the statements and propositions from the third-party, slot them in any part of your report): 1. Introduction of risk management fundamentals, your report structure, key tasks/undertakings, main findings, etc.; 2. Establish the context of the risk management; 3. Risk management process Identify risks (what is the method that you plan to use to identify risk, why, and what are the possible risk in this project); Analyse risks (what is the method that you plan to use to analyse the risk, why and carry out the risk analysis and determine the level of risk); Evaluate risks (what is the risk priority, what are the criteria to evaluate risks, whether a risk needs treatment); Treat risks (what are the options, how to assess the options and prepare risk treatment plan and implement the plan); Monitor and control risks (what the plan is and how to carry it out, if applicable); 4. Summary and conclusion 5. A reference list Note: Referencing (both in-text citations and a citation list at the end) is required for this assignment. Use only APA referencing style. A minimum number of 5 references is required (there is no requirement on the year of publications)

Foundation of business law

STAT2170/6180 iLearn Quiz

There are two attempts allowed for this quiz. Further attempts will not be granted. The questions are not of equal value. Detailed feedback of your answers and the solutions will be provided after the quiz has concluded. Please take note of the following four points before attempting the quiz.

Internet connection

It is your responsibility to find an appropriate location with a reliable internet connection where you can complete the quiz. It is advisable to plan this in advance. 

R/RStudio use

It is strongly recommended to use R/RStudio to analyse the data in this quiz and compute the required statistical values. You are free to analyse the data manually with your own personal calculator if you wish but that will be much more time consuming.

Downloading the datasets

The quiz will have multiple randomly generated datasets for you to analyse. It is recommended that you save each dataset by right clicking the link and selecting the option to save the link/download. (or use the similar procedure you used to download and analyse the data in SGTAs). 

Research proposal

*This task requires provide the details of a minimum of ten references directly relevant to your research question (Did the usage of Codeine change after upscheduling? – to be conducted in a single community pharmacy) in a table (as described in the Lit Review module) AND to describe the most relevant research method you would use to answer your research question.
**500 words (max) not including your reference list nor your synthesis matrix. There is no prescribed minimum, provided you adequately address all of the marking criteria.

Law and Ethics