3000 words critical essay
3000-word critical essay through a gendered lens. (women’s health)
Select ONE topic from the below list:
1.    How has COVID-19 had an impact on the sexual and reproductive health of women? Discuss in relation to a specific country context.
2.    Abortion is a major public health problem for women in resource-constrained settings. Using the example of a particular resource-constrained country, review the consequences of unsafe abortions for women and the effects of different approaches to its control and prevention.
3.    Describe the evidence about women’s mental health at a particular stage of the life course in resource-constrained settings. Discuss gender as a social determinant of women’s mental health.
4.    ‘Safe spaces’ for women and girls are increasingly being used as a response to violence against women in humanitarian and refugee contexts. What are some of the strengths and limitations of such a response to violence against women? Include a case study from a particular setting.
5.    Screening for cancer is unavailable in most resource-constrained countries. Discuss the implications of this for women and their health in a developing country.
6.    Analyse the contribution of social and cultural context to the spread of HIV among young women in a resource-constrained setting.
7. Women’s health in resource-constrained countries is often discussed primarily in terms of women’s access to and use of services. However, women are often powerful agents of change in relation to health. Discuss using examples from resource-constrained settings.
8.    Globally non-communicable conditions are the leading cause of death for women, however they remain neglected by development agencies. Discuss the impact of a particular condition in a given setting, including any promising responses to the problem.
9.    The public health literature often discusses the ‘social determinants of health’. Contrast this with the ‘social determinants of equity’ using the example of a particular health problem and its impact on women in an identified resource-poor setting.
10.   Around the world, there is increasing backlash, resistance and push back against efforts towards gender equity. Drawing on a particular country or region, describe what this looks like, how it might undermine women’s health and rights, as well as any promising efforts to address it.
Instructions – critical analysis
Ask ChatGPT to write a 1500 word essay, with references (not included in the word count), on your topic. Choose a particular setting to focus this piece. The geographical scope should be commensurate with, and appropriate to, the issue you are asking ChatGPT to write about. For example, focusing on ‘Africa’ is inappropriate for an essay on HIV given the amount of evidence, and the diversity of social and cultural factors across the continent. Rather, choose a specific country. For other issues where the literature is sparse, a region may be an appropriate setting. Save this ChatGPT essay as a separate Word document as Turnitin now has a function that identifies material that has potentially been written by AI software (such as ChatGPT).
Your task is to write a critical analysis of 3000 words, that critically reviews the ChatGPT essay, using a gender lens. Does the ChatGPT essay consider how gender norms, roles and responsibilities impact upon the health issue that is the topic of the essay, in the setting you have chosen? Does the ChatGPT essay cite literature that considers gender and is written by authors from diverse backgrounds?
Format of written assessments
Assignments should be typed, using 11-point font and 1.5 spaced format and submitted as a Microsoft Word file or pdf.
Your arguments should be evidence based and all assertions should be appropriately referenced.
Referencing for written assessments
As a social science subject, it is preferred that you use an Author-Date style referencing system (such as Harvard or APA, for example).
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